Out of numerous memorable vacationer puts in Delhi, Iron Pillar is one of the most loved spots for the guests. In excess of six tons overwhelming column has numerous archeological and also verifiable convictions.

The stature of the column is said to be 23 feet 8 creeps out of which 3 feet 8 inches are underneath the ground.
There are a lot of inscriptions and graffiti on the pillars. It was believed that if someone could stand with the back on the pillar still their hand can meet covering the diameter of the pillar then good luck is on their way. Due to this there was a lot of wear and tear on the pillar.
It was then, that fencing was done in 1997, around it to stop the damage caused by the visitors by practicing this tradition.
[caption id="attachment_3395" align="aligncenter" width="600"]The mesmerizing Iron Pillar. The mesmerizing Iron Pillar.[/caption]


  • Initially, Iron Pillar was mainstreamed in Madhya Pradesh by the ruler Chandragupta II who ruled between (375CE- 414CE) in 402AD. Chandragupta II was the son of the previous king named Samudragupta, who immensely supported the classic art introduced by Samudragupta.
  • Iron Pillar, enclosing the Vishnu Temple as ‘Vishnudhwaja’, which tributes to Lord Vishnu. Where “Dhawja” means flag banner, which according to Vedic mythology appears at the top-most position at temples.
  • Afterwards, from Madhya Pradesh Iron Pillar moved to Delhi within the Qutub Complex by Sultan IItutmish in 1233AD.
[caption id="attachment_3406" align="aligncenter" width="600"]When the Iron Pillar wasn't fenced. When the Iron Pillar wasn't fenced.[/caption]


  • There are six lined Brahmi’s messages carved on the pillar demonstrating the greatness, bravery, and victories of Gupta dynasty.
  • It is suspected that the there is a sculptured Lord Garuda (Sun Bird) is craved at the top, which is a remarkable attribute on many pillars as well, unlike Iron Pillar.
  • The height of Iron Pillar placed at Qutab Complex at Delhi is 7.21m (23.7ft), which was constructed between 3rd-4thcentury AD.
  • With 48cm of diameter, it has an adorable engraved base and the total weight of 6 tonnes.
  • By the research, it is proved that Iron Pillar is referred to Gupta Dynasty, but did not have any proof revealing to whom exactly it belongs. It may be for Chandragupta I or Chandragupta II, respectively said to be Samudragupta or Vikramaditya.
[caption id="attachment_3407" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Messages from Gupta Dynasty. Messages from Gupta Dynasty.[/caption]


  • The high content of phosphorus and mixing of charcoal irrespective of sulphur or magnesium, during ancient times, prevents the pillar from getting corroded.
  • 70% resistance of humidity by the Iron according to Delhi’s climate makes Iron Pillar rust free.
  • Iron Pillar is highly heat absorbent and due to this, it remains warm at night when the Delhi’s temperature slightly drops down.
  • Breaking of dawn, Iron Pillar gets cooler for a while, but during the daytime, the temperature of the Iron Pillar quickly gets re-established.
  • Expert, Professor Balasubramanium and the current science report states that the perfect combination of iron, hydrogen and oxygen called Miswite had been coated over the Delhi’s Iron Pillar to prevent it from rust.
[caption id="attachment_3409" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Rust free Iron Pillar since ages. Rust free Iron Pillar since ages.[/caption]


Rumors are, that if someone is able to encircle the pillar from their hands, would definitely be the fortunate enough in their life.
[caption id="attachment_3408" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Hugging Iron Pillar Hugging Iron Pillar[/caption]

Facts about Iron Pillar

[caption id="attachment_3391" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Facts About Iron Pillar Facts About Iron Pillar[/caption]

How to reach?

[caption id="attachment_3392" align="aligncenter" width="600"]How to Reach Iron Pillar How to Reach Iron Pillar[/caption]

The Famous places Near Iron Pillar

Qutab Minar: Inclusive of both walking and driving distance for Iron Pillar from Qutab Minar is 0 minutes.
India Gate: Iron Pillar is 12kms (approx.) away from India Gate and it takes 14 minutes of driving to reach there
Agrasen ki Baoli:  It takes 36 minutes to reach Iron Pillar from Agrasen ki baoli which is approximately 12.8kms away.

Source: Inditrip


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